Although it is open to the public, the cost ($295 before April 13/ $345 afterward) and the subject matter of presentations many having to do with obtaining permits and complying with regulations, means the TCEQ Environmental Trade Fair and Conference is primarily meant for Attorneys, Professional Engineers, MSW Technicians and Supervisors, Public Water System Operators, Wastewater Operators, Professional and Registered Sanitarians and Professional Geoscientists, and LPST Corrective Action Project Managers.
The 2009 TCEQ Environmental Excellence Awards will be presented as part of the conference on Wednesday May 13, 2009. Tickets to the awards are $50. Among this year's honorees will be Build San Antonio Green.
The numerous presentations nevertheless include topics that might be of interest to the non-professional. These include:
Recycling Rules Forum a Discussion of exemptions from the definition of solid waste and permitting for recycling activities presented by Jesse Boultinghouse.
An Overview of the San Antonio Water System’s Desalination Project by Kevin Morrison, San Antonio Water System.
Environmental Issues on the Texas-Mexico Border Area Highlighting challenges and success stories. Presented by Victor Valenzuela, Steve Niemeyer and Carlos Ayala, Cameron County Drainage District No. 1 .
Scrap Tires: Developing opportunities for large scale use of scrap tires along the
US-Mexico border presented by Jerry Peterson, Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) and Michael Blumenthal, Rubber Manufacturers Association.
Stop Illegal Dumping Strategic solutions to illegal dumping in McLennan County, presented by James Pack, McLennan County Sheriff’s Office.
What’s New in Land Revitalization and Sustainability—Part 1 & 2. Success stories in the recycling of construction and demolition debris, energy recycling, energy efficiencies, green remediation, siting renewable energy on contaminated land, and eco-revitalization, presented by Alan Posnick, EPA Region 6
Rain Water Harvesting and Fireflow Rules Overview of the requirements established
in the rain water harvesting and fire flow rules, presented by Cindy Haynie, TCEQ.
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