Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Robert Kennedy Jr tells Solar Energy Industry Association that green technology will overthrow and democratize the energy system in the USA

At the Solar Energy Industry Association, Solar Power 09 conference October 27,2009, Robert F. Kennedy Jr delivered the keynote in which he pointed out that he believes that green technology including solar power will overthrow the oil and coal industries and democratize the energy system in this country which has corrupted our system of government in many ways.

He says that we are now learning that we must protect nature not for the birds but because nature is the infrastructure of our communities. He connects pollution to bad government saying, ""Where ever you see the large scale destruction of the environment you will also see the subversion of American democracy."

RFK Jr's talk begins three minutes into the video below. His voice is affected by spasmodic dysphonia but it doesn't stop him from delivering a powerful and insightful fact filled speech that brings together environmentalism, history, political philosophy and economics.

Thanks to Time is Energy for pointing out this presentation.

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